Thursday, December 20, 2007

Another Posting that Came in On Lucy - LUCY IS GONE

Late this afternoon, Lucy and her family and friends ran out of options. After being allowed a short time with her family, the order for Lucy's execution was given and the "Humane" Society dutifully complied and ended her life. How have we gotten to a place where a dog....a dog that was well known for being friendly and affectionate.....a dog that had never been a problem except for that one point in time.....was killed despite the outpouring of compassion and support that came from places across the United States and even from around the world?

There is something terribly wrong with our system. There is something terribly wrong about elected officials that trip over each other to point fingers, while swearing they do not have the power to help. There is something terribly wrong when Judges and City Officials are rude to callers who just want to register a comment about what they believe to be a terrible injustice. There is something awfully, horribly wrong when animal advocates reach out to a "Humane" Society and fail to get the courtesy of a response. In a world where people do not respect other people, is it surprising that the life of a dog was considered not worthy of returning a phone call?

The crux of the problem is that animals are still considered property and treated as such. This we MUST change.

Lucy's following grew bigger and bigger every day. The outcry over her death sentence was deafening. Why was it that we were so moved by the plight of this one dog? Lucy was a dog. She never pretended to be a human, even though she seems to really love humans a lot...especially her family.. Lucy did what dogs do and our hearts break for the family of the dog who, some would say, instigated a fight with Lucy, and came out the loser. Lucy had a lifetime of good behavior, service and a family that loved her very much. Yet the callous administrators and officials of the city of Sunnyvale, California along with a Judge from the District Court found that Lucy had to pay for her mistake with her life. Sadly, not only was her life taken but great sadness was visited upon her family and her friends. Tonight there is a young boy who went to sleep a few days before Christmas, thinking not of the presents he will receive next week; but, of his best friend that was taken away from him today.

What kind of community are we to allow such an atrocity to occur? The kind of community that is so obsessed with safety and security that we will happily and quickly give up our freedom for a little peace of mind? A community that values only material possessions, getting more of them and making sure that we can keep them?

The nobel and beloved Staffordshire Terrier, more commonly referred to as Pit Bull, is demonized and vilified up one coast and down the other. Yet they are one of the most popular breeds in America. Those of us that are old enough, remember when it used to be Rottweillers or Dobermans and before that the German Shepherd. Now it is the Pit Bull singled out for our enmity and fear. The worst thing about all of this is that statistically there is no basis for our fear. Ironically, Pit Bulls have more to fear from humans than humans have to fear from Pit Bulls....witness Michael Vick and the dogfighting industry. The headlines and the kill numbers from our nation's shelters, prove that beyond any doubt.

Lucy's tragic death at the hands of the hard hearted and mean spirited people that ordered her killed is a clarion call that the animal advocacy community and compassionate people everywhere must heed. We must address this issue before more dogs like Lucy join her on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. Our thoughts right now are with Lucy's family and the people who loved Lucy during her life. Our sympathy and our admiration go to the attorneys that fought "hell and high water" to find justice for Lucy, hampered by a broken system. Our love goes to Lucy, who has gone to a better place. Let us take the time to grieve Lucy's loss and then quickly get back to work to make sure that this never happens again.

Please take action.......for Lucy and for all animals.

Until all are free,

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